Annual & Sustainability Report
CCR Group is reaching its 20-year anniversary with a trajectory marked by a pioneering spirit and its consistent growth. Em 2018, we showed our growth potential with the acquisition of two new concessions in Brazil: ViaMobilidade and CCR ViaSul. With sustainability, the partnership between the private initiative and the concession authorities can unlock the investments in infrastructure that the country needs.
The CCR Group's 2018 Annual & Sustainability Report transparently reports key results, lessons and business perspectives to the market of CCR Group in 2018. Following the principles of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the document reinforces transparency in the relationship with all stakeholders.
• Awarded São Paulo metro's Line 5-Lilac and monorail's Line 17-Gold
• Awarded the Rodovia de Integração do Sul (RIS) concession
(Concessionária das Rodovias Integradas do Sul S.A.)
• Increased capital share in Aeris (Costa Rica) to 97.15%
• R$ 2.1 billion invested in works, equipment and maintenance
• R$ 30.12 million invested by CCR Institute
The implementation of four divisions to manage the business strengthens the competitiveness and management capacity of the CCR Group. The Shared Services Center is a is a competitive differential that gives more efficiency and productivity. Know the profile and the the activity sectors.
A set of internal corporate governance policies and procedures ensures the generation of value for shareholders and business development with ethics and transparency. Understand how the CCR Group generates and shares financial, human, intellectual, manufactured, social and natural value.